Command line interface¶
This is an interactive script to set up Globus and funcX on NeSI for use with RJM. It will create a new Globus guest collection (shared directory) on NeSI and check whether the user already has a funcX endpoint running on NeSI. If a funcX endpoint is not already running, one will be created and started on NeSI. If an existing funcX endpoint is found to be running, it will not be restarted. Finally, all configuration values from the above steps will be written to the RJM config file on the local machine and the authentication steps will be run.
While running this script, you will need to enter your NeSI username, password and second factor, your NeSI project code and will need to use a web browser to carry out the Globus authentication as required.
usage: rjm_config [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-ll {debug,info,warn,error,critical}]
[-r] [-w] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -l, --logfile
logfile. if not specified, all messages will be printed to the terminal.
- -ll, --loglevel
Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error, critical
level of log verbosity (setting the level here overrides the config file)
- -r, --reauth
Force reauthentication of globus-compute-endpoint
- -w, --where-config
Print location of the config file and exit
- -v, --version
show program's version number and exit
This is an interactive script that will restart the funcX endpoint running on NeSI. Sometimes the endpoint gets into a bad state due to network, file system, etc issues on NeSI and this script will attempt to fix it.
While running this script, you will need to enter your NeSI username, password and second factor, your NeSI project code and will need to use a web browser to carry out the Globus authentication as required.
usage: rjm_restart [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-ll {debug,info,warn,error,critical}]
Named Arguments¶
- -l, --logfile
logfile. if not specified, all messages will be printed to the terminal.
- -ll, --loglevel
Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error, critical
level of log verbosity (setting the level here overrides the config file)
- -v, --version
show program's version number and exit
Perform basic checks of the interface to the remote machine
usage: rjm_health_check [-h] [-l LOGFILE]
[-ll {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-le] [-k] [-r]
Named Arguments¶
- -l, --logfile
logfile. if not specified, all messages will be printed to the terminal.
- -ll, --loglevel
Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error, critical
level of log verbosity (default: 'critical')
- -le, --logextra
Also log funcx and globus at the chosen loglevel
- -k, --keep
Keep health check files on remote system, i.e. do not delete them after completing the check (default=False)
- -r, --retries
Allow retries on function failures
- -v, --version
show program's version number and exit
Upload files and start jobs
usage: rjm_batch_submit [-h] -f LOCALJOBDIRFILE [-l LOGFILE]
[-ll {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-le] [--force]
[-n] [-c CMD] [-d REMOTEDIR] [-j JOBTYPE] [-m MEM]
Named Arguments¶
- -f, --localjobdirfile
file that contains the names of the local job directories, one name per line
- -l, --logfile
logfile. if not specified, all messages will be printed to the terminal.
- -ll, --loglevel
Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error, critical
level of log verbosity (setting the level here overrides the config file)
- -le, --logextra
Also log funcx and globus at the chosen loglevel
- --force
ignore progress from previous runs stored in job directory, i.e. start from scratch
- -n, --defaultlogname
Use default log name instead of "batch_submit"
- -c, --cmd
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -d, --remotedir
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -j, --jobtype
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -m, --mem
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -p, --projectcode
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -w, --walltime
not used; provided for compatibility with previous versions
- -v, --version
show program's version number and exit
Wait for the jobs to complete and download files
usage: rjm_batch_wait [-h] -f LOCALJOBDIRFILE [-l LOGFILE]
[-ll {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-le]
[-z POLLINGINTERVALSEC] [-o] [-n] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -f, --localjobdirfile
file that contains the names of the local job directories, one name per line
- -l, --logfile
logfile. if not specified, all messages will be printed to the terminal.
- -ll, --loglevel
Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error, critical
level of log verbosity (setting the level here overrides the config file)
- -le, --logextra
Also log funcx and globus at the chosen loglevel
- -z, --pollingintervalsec
job status polling interval in seconds (minimum is 60 unless -o specified too)
- -o, --min-polling-override
override minimum polling interval of 60 s
- -n, --defaultlogname
Use default log name instead of "batch_wait"
- -v, --version
show program's version number and exit